In Nu: Of Flowers and Supernovae

The “In Nu: Of Flowers and Supernovae” project bridges the wonders and poetics of flowers and supernovae like things into a project that reflects the fuzzy boundaries between the arts and the sciences. Visitors to this completely virtual exhibition can click into the exhibition using their mobile devices and turn the Rolex Center at the EPFL into a site of three-dimensional fields of exotic flowers and vegetation, or experience dizzying galaxies of orbiting internet ephemera.



DoseWill Pappenheimer and Virta-Flaneurazine – For his virtual designer drug series “Dose” at the EPFL Rolex Learning Center, artist Will Pappenheimer has developed a “smart pill” aimed at reflecting and enhancing the productive educational atmosphere and unusual architecture. Upon acquiring and launching this augmented reality experience the user will encounter a plethora of floating objects and stars, suggesting minds that are overflowing with thoughts and information from the World Wide Web. The hypnotic effect of the constantly changing and rotating visions is intended to enhance a state of euphoric cognitive reception and inspiration.



Diamonds Are ForNever – The Curious Minds – The title plays on the fact that diamonds have been on the one hand a symbol of eternal love, or “the forever” because of their unmatched hardness and clarity, and on the other hand the work exist in completely in virtual space which hints at more at the idea that diamonds that diamonds are believed to be the tears of the gods or the splinters of fallen stars. The colors chosen for each the diamonds are traditional Korean colors and whether real or virtual, the structure of the diamond used in the work reflects the quality and quantity of light possible in worlds beyond the real.



Biomer Skelters Pappenheimer & Thiel – Biomer Skelters is a participatory public artwork connecting body rhythms to potential ecosystems. As participants walk the streets, a wearable biosensing system repaints the cityscape with fantastic fields and forests of virtual vegetation, tracing participants’ changing psychosomatic conditions.



People We Have Met But Don’t Remember Peter Aerschmann – The work created by Peter Aerschmann for the Virutale Switzerland has its roots in how the artists has been experimenting with the visible and the hidden using both still and moving imagery. The images selected are virtual and combine in their presentation in reality in an extreme ironic manner and extend event further the artistic basis of his work in that, it puts the visitor in check being able to distinguish between everyday reality and fiction.
